Aim of the Research interest groups
One way of achieving EAHL goals is the development of Interest groups in specific areas of health law. The overall aim of EAHL Interest groups is to provide EAHL members with an opportunity for on-going interaction with European colleagues along thematic lines.
EAHL interest groups are designed to build shared knowledge in the field of health law, to exchange information, to be fora for discussion, for joint research activities and joint publications. EAHL interest groups can take different forms, depending on their aim.
The groups may serve as platforms for discussion on topical issues, for assessment and response to new and emerging challenges for health law, as research networks on specific topics, as fora for the purpose of providing input into national law and practice, of formulating best practices (eg. for cross border health care) and of providing for a health law assessment of relevant European legislative proposals as an active contribution to EU and Council of Europe legislative initiatives.
Activities of EAHL Interest groups may take the form of virtual networking via e-mailing lists and discussion groups. The interest group can also promote communication by creating its own web-site (with links to the EAHL website). The holding of thematic workshops, courses, seminars and conferences in the year no EAHL conference is held, is strongly encouraged. Interest groups are also encouraged organize a thematic (satellite) session during EAHL conference in order to present the state of the art/viewpoints/outcome of the interest group. This will stimulate discussion for a broader health law forum.
Interest groups are asked to promote membership of their own group and of the EAHL as well. An interest group can be initiated by any EAHL member and is open for EAHL members to join. Interest groups are administered in accordance with the relevant by-law.
How to set up an Interest group
Members interested in setting up an Interest group should submit a written proposal to the Board (purpose setting up, justification, types of activities, and names of at least seven initial members from at least two different countries). Once approved by the Executive Board, the Interest group comes formally into existence and will be listed on the EAHL website. The EAHL website and newsletters should be used for providing information on the activities (and their outcome), upcoming events etc.
To facilitate the recruitment of seven founding members, EAHL members interested in setting up an Interest group may request the EAHL secretariat to circulate a “Solicitation for Expressions of Interest” to all EAHL members prior to the submission of their setup request.
Each Interest Group is administered by its chairperson(s), whose responsibilities include the setting up and maintenance of the Interest group’s activities, the keeping of a register of Interest group members, and the submission of reports on the Interest group’s activities and membership to the Executive Board.
The Interest group status is reviewed every two years by the Executive Board which, at its discretion, may discontinue groups with fewer than seven/ten members, no activities, or conduct incompatible with the EAHL Constitution. EAHL Interest Groups must be financially self-supporting; the EAHL does not carry any financial responsibility for the activities of the EAHL interest groups.
Existing Groups:
The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw is co-chaired by Aurélie Mahalatchimy (UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Toulon University, Pau & Pays de l’Adour University, France) and Mark Flear (Queen’s University Belfast, UK). The group has been created in 2020. For the current information, please, visit the link.
The Interest Group on biobanks was formally created in September 2016. Coordinators are Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag / Anne-Marie Duguet. Contact-point is Aurélie Mahalatchimy. Co-operation with a interest group data protection in health care (coordinator: Jean Herveg) is envisaged.
EAHL Young Scholars Interest Group was created in November 2022.