The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw is co-chaired by Aurélie Mahalatchimy (UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Toulon University, Pau & Pays de l’Adour University, France) and Mark Flear (Queen’s University Belfast, UK). The group has been created in 2020.
The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw has been created in 2020. It aims to promote European health law, especially in its European-level dimension. ‘Supranational biolaw’ is understood as comprising the law of the European Union, the Council of Europe and the European Patent Organisation, regarding the law and the various legal issues arising from technological advances related to medicine and biotechnology.
While Supranational Biolaw in all its dimensions is often not understood as valuable in and of itself, it underpins or is inflected within national law, and is now so developed that it can no longer be ignored.
Through research, training and networking activities, the types of activities that correspond to the activities of EAHL, the EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw will help to effectively mobilise its Members to address demands from several groups within society, including legislators and regulators, scientists (researchers and clinicians), and patients regarding Supranational Biolaw. The Interest Group will also help to strengthen the position of academics within national level systems and political contexts that threaten their autonomy and role as facilitators of freedom of discussion.
The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw is co-chaired by Aurélie Mahalatchimy (UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Toulon University, Pau & Pays de l’Adour University, France) and Mark Flear (Queen’s University Belfast, UK), and managed by Pascal Gauttier (UMR 7318 DICE CERIC).
Current members include: Dobrochna Bach-Golecka (Poland); Estelle Brosset (France); Joaquin Cayon (Spain); Brenda Daly (Ireland); Nathalie De Grove-Valdeyron (France); Anne-Marie Duguet (France); Mirko Dukovic (Hungary); Inesa Fausch (Switzerland); Mark Flear (United Kingdom); Markus Frischhut (Austria); Eloïse Gennet (France); Matthieu Guerriaud (France); Mary Guy (United Kingdom); Edouard Habib (France); Tamara Hervey (United Kingdom); Clotilde Jourdain-Fortier (France); Kaisa-Maria Kimmel (Finland); Michal Koscik (Czech Republic); Phoebe Li (United Kingdom); Pin Lean Lau (United Kingdom); Aurélie Mahalatchimy (France); Jean McHale (United Kingdom); Isabelle Moine-Dupuis (France); Andrea Mulligan (Ireland); Stefania Negri (Italy); Vera Lucia Raposo (Portugal); Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag (France); Sabrina Roettger-Wirtz (The Netherlands); Judit Sandor (Hungary); Mike Schwebag (Luxembourg); Claudia Seitz (Switzerland); Santa Slokenberga (Sweden); Tomislav Sokol (Croatia).
Chairs: Aurélie Mahalatchimy (UMR 7318 DICE CERIC, CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Toulon University, Pau & Pays de l’Adour University, France) and Mark Flear (Queen’s University Belfast, UK)
General manager: Pin Lean Lau (Brunel University, UK)
Communication managers: Adrien Bottacci (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Social Networks Manager: Eloïse Gennet (France)
Should you need any information on the group, please contact our General Manager, Dr Pin Lean Lau:
Activities of the EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw
Since its launch, the IG has conducted numerous collaborative activities that seek to advance and make contributions to knowledge and scholarship in all aspects of bio law. The IG’s latest joint activities (as at December 2023) are:
- Vera Lúcia Raposo and Sofia Palmeri, ‘Femtech and the Law (or a Tale of how Eve Fights to Overturn Adam and Take Control over her Body)’, BioLaw Journal /Rivista de Biodiritto, n. 1, Special Issue, 2023, pp. 361-373,
- Pin Lean Lau “Data Misuse and Mission Creep: Patient Involvement & Data”. Research Entry in the EuroGCT Project Tree Pathway, European Gene and Cell Therapy Project Consortium (2023) (Coordination of Aurelie Mahalatchimy, Luc-Sylvain Gilbert and Edouard Habib).
- Gennet Éloïse, Mahalatchimy Aurélie, « La plateforme des politiques de santé de l’Union européenne : un outil de participation civile à la construction du droit », Revue de l’Union européenne, janvier 2023, n°634, pp. 52-58.
- Gennet Éloïse, Mahalatchimy Aurélie, « Orphan medicines », in gormley Laurence, purnhagen Kai & garben Sacha (dir.), OUP Online Encyclopedia of EU Law, Oxford University Press, janvier 2023.
- M Dayan, M Fahy, M Flear, S Greer, T Hervey, H Jarman, M McCarey, E Vlachaki, ‘Parallel, divergent or drifting? Regulating healthcare products in a post-Brexit UK’ Journal of European Public Policy 2023 https://doi.10.1080/13501763.2023.2213721
- V Delhomme and T Hervey, ‘The European Union’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and (the legitimacy of) the Union’s legal order’ Yearbook of European Law (2023)
- M Wood, I Antova, M Flear, T Hervey, ‘What Do “Left Behind Communities” Want? A Qualitative Study in the United Kingdom using Photo Elicitation’ American Political Science Review (2023) doi”10.1017/S0003055422001186
- M Wood, I Antova, M Flear, T Hervey, ‘In a post-Brexit world, we need health policy reform that respects the NHS’ 19 July 2023
- M Dayan, T Hervey, M Flear, ‘Does the Windsor Framework help resolve challenges for health?’ BMJ 2023;381:p825
- Mark Flear, Not What The Bus Promised: Health Governance After Brexit (Hart, 2023) (with TK Hervey, I Antova and M Wood).
- 25 January 2023 : Mahalatchimy Aurélie, Gennet Éloïse, Panel discussion on EU pharmaceutical activity: challenges arising from the pharmaceutical strategy and beyond, Série de séminaire du EU Health Governance Research Network seminar series, en ligne.
- 21-22 March 2023: Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Mark Flear, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Eloïse Gennet, I-Biolex project meeting, Aix-en-Provence.
- 23 March 2023: Meeting of the Interest Group on supranational biolaw, Aix-en-Provence and online.
- 22-23 June 2023: Workshop at Maynooth University (Ireland) in the context of the Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of EU Law (health section) organized by Tamara Hervey and Ollie Bartlett. Attending members: Tamara Hervey, Ollie Bartlett, Markus Frischhut, Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Eloïse Gennet, Mark Flear, Mary Guy, Mirko Dukovic, Inesa Fausch.
- April 2023: European Commission Joint Statement for the EU Health Policy Platform’s 2022 Thematic Networks, coordinated/led by Pin Lean Lau on behalf of the Centre for AI: Social and Digital Innovations and members from the EAHL IG (Eloise Gennet, Joaquin Cayon De las Cuevas, Inesa Fausch, Santa Slokenberga, Orsolya Varga, Vera Lucia Raposo, Michal Kocsik, Sofia Palmieri, Karina Palkova), the Validity Foundation (formerly Mental Disability Advocacy Centre) and Health Action International, Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU with AI-Driven Technologies - Presentation of Joint Statement at the European Commission in Luxembourg
- June 2023: Pin Lean Lau, Keynote presentation (as invited by EAHL IG members Joaquin Cayon-De las Cuevas and Juan-Ignacio Ochagavías-Colás), in the XVI Inter-Autonomous Meeting on Protection of the Patient. Science and Data as Ingredients for the Transformation of Healthcare Organisations (XVI Encuentro Interautonómico sobre Protección Jurídica del Paciente. Ciencia y datos como ingredientes de la transformación de las organizaciones sanitarias) (June 2023, UIMP, Santander, Spain), with presentation titled "Hidden Figures: Algorithm Data Biases in Health/Medical AI-Driven Technologies: European Law Perspectives".
- June 2023 : Adrien Bottacci et Aurélie Mahalatchimy, « Quel futur pour le cadre juridique des tissus et des organes destinés à la transplantation ? Le cas des organoïdes », Journée d’étude ITEGOREC: Transplantation, technologies d’organes et droit, Compiègne, France, 14 juin 2023 (invités).
The Oxford Encylopedia of EU Law [OEEUL], in S. Garben, L. Gormley (general editors); T. K. Hervey (Editor for European Health Law), partners involved: Joaquin Cayon (Spain); Nathalie De Grove-Valdeyron (France); Mirko Dukovic (Hungary); Inesa Fausch (Switzerland); Mark Flear (United Kingdom); Markus Frischhut (Austria); Eloïse Gennet (France); Mary Guy (United Kingdom); Tamara Hervey (United Kingdom); Pin Lean Lau (United Kingdom); Aurélie Mahalatchimy (France); Vera Lucia Raposo (Portugal); Santa Slokenberga (Sweden); Anniek De Ruijter (Netherlands); Annette Schrauwen; Florence Taboulet (France); Blandine Julliard-Condat (France); Vincent Delhomme; Ollie Bartlett (Ireland); Andre Den Exter (Netherlands).
- Tamara Hervey, OUP Online Encyclopaedia of EU Law, EU Health Law project, 2019-ongoing. Conferences organised with Ollie Bartlett, Maynooth School of Law and Criminology, Ireland, June 2023. IG’s members in attendance: Mirko Dukovic (Hungary); Inesa Fausch (Switzerland); Mark Flear (United Kingdom); Markus Frischhut (Austria); Eloïse Gennet (France); Mary Guy (United Kingdom); Tamara Hervey (United Kingdom); Aurélie Mahalatchimy (France).
- Pin Lean Lau “European Union health databases: Eudravigilance; Eudamed; Clinical Trials database; Eudra-GDP database”. Encyclopaedia entries for the Oxford Encyclopaedia on European Union Health Law (2023).
- Mark Flear, Encyclopeadia of EU Law, Health Entries, Maynooth, June 2023
European Commission Joint Statement for the EU Health Policy Platform’s 2022 Thematic Networks, coordinated/led by Pin Lean Lau on behalf of the Centre for AI: Social and Digital Innovations and members from the EAHL IG (Eloise Gennet, Joaquin Cayon De las Cuevas, Inesa Fausch, Santa Slokenberga, Orsolya Varga, Vera Lucia Raposo, Michal Kocsik, Sofia Palmieri, Karina Palkova), the Validity Foundation (formerly Mental Disability Advocacy Centre) and Health Action International, Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU with AI-Driven Technologies
Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Mark Flear, Eloïse Gennet, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Tamara Harvey, I-BioLex project:
Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Adrien Bottacci, Organact:
To access the Newsletter of the IG of December 2021, please, click here
To access the Newsletter of the IG of June 2022, please, click here
To access the Newsletter of the IG of February 2024, please, click here
Updated: 08.02.2024
Information added: *05.03.2020