10th EAHL conference host has been announced
Uppsala University to host next EAHL conference.
To read more, please, click here.
Journal: European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review
Special issue on the topic “Patient and citizen empowerment in recent EU legal and policy initiatives” (guest editor: dr. Teodora Lalova-Spinks).
We are looking for original research including empirical research, opinion papers, country or policy reports and case annotations as well as formats that go beyond traditional research papers, for instance creative perspectives related to the topic or interviews with a key stakeholder representative.
Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2025
Please send your contributions to: mckernan@lexxion.eu
For more information:
Conference announcement and Call for abstracts
The Pandemic Treaty. A new Global Public Health instrument
Venue: National School of Public Health (ENSP), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Salao Nobre, Lisbon, Portugal
Date: 9 May 2025, 9.00 – 17.00
Language: English
Hybrid conference. The ENSP2025 will be a hybrid conference that will run fully in-person and fully virtually.
To read more, please, click here
Information to EAHL members regarding the 2025 EAHL Young Scholars Workshop
EAHL received and assessed one application to host the 2nd Young Scholars Workshop within the deadline of 28 November 2024. The applicant institution is the University of Salerno, UNISA School of Law, in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Centre of excellence "New Visions of the European Union's Role in Global Health" (EU4GH), the Jean Monnet Module "One Health: Global and EU Perspectives" (1HEALTH), and the Observatory on Human Rights: Bioethics, Health, Environment.
The EAHL board and a representative of the Young Scholars Interest Group evaluated the application based on six criteria:
a) potential to attract young scholars in health law from across Europe
b) relevance and strength of the proposed program to foster scientific exchange and networking
c) availability of strong local partners for the organizing team
d) attractiveness, accessibility and suitability of the workshop venue
e) feasibility of the budget and funding plan
f) experience in hosting similar academic events
Each board member and a representative of the young scholars scored the six applications based on a scale from 1 to 7 (where the latter is the highest), without knowledge of the scoring results of other board members. The total average-score was used for a discussion-platform for the final discussion. The final decision by the board was then taken based on the overall assessment and not necessarily as an automatic outcome of the scoring.
Based on the overall high scores the board had a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the application at the online board meeting on 16 December 2024. The board in order to reach a final decision, posed the applicant some practical questions by e-mail and upon receiving a detailed written response addressing these questions, the board, together with the representative of the Young Scholars, unanimously decided to offer the University of Salerno to host the 2nd EAHL Young Scholars Workshop in 2025.
The board would like to thank the candidate for submitting such high-quality application and congratulates the team of the University of Salerno.
Mental Health and Mental Disability Law – Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association
The Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association will be held from Tuesday 15th April until Thursday 17th April 2025 at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.
The call for abstracts is open until Monday 6th January 2025. The stream on Mental Health and Mental Disability Law is being co-convened, together with Dr Magda Furgalska (magdalena.furgalska@york.ac.uk) and Ms Martha Scanlon (ms12028@bristol.ac.uk), by EAHL member and national contact point for Malta, Dr Daniel Bianchi: daniel.bianchi@um.edu.mt.
We encourage you to submit an abstract for consideration should your work and research deal with mental health and mental disability law.
More information can be found at the following and please ignore any reference to an 18th December 2024 deadline to submit abstracts, which is no longer relevant:
Call to host the Young Scholars Workshop
EAHL announces call for applications to host the next Young Scholars workshop. Please, click here to download the call.
All proposals must be submitted by 28 November 2024.
EAHL Announces Call for applications to host the next conference
EAHL will held its 10th conference in 2026 and is having an open call amongst its members to organize the event. The application deadline is decided by the board and the preliminary deadline is 30 November 2024.
Please, click here to download the call.
Announcing the Winners of the EAHL awards
During the closing session of the conference in Warsaw EAHL announced the winners of our two prizes for young scholars in health law. Congratulations to both of them!
To read more, click here: https://eahl.eu/eahl-2024-conference
Human Rights Take Center Stage at the Pivotal Warsaw Health Conference
Today marks the successful conclusion of our conference in Warsaw, where we've seen unprecedented engagement with over 200 participants from all corners of Europe, delving into 119 abstracts, 10 poster presentations, and 7 workshops.
The pre-conference Young Scholars Workshop was a testament to the bright future of health and human rights scholarship. We're committed to keeping human rights at the pinnacle of our agenda and look forward to the blossoming of new initiatives, projects, and collaborations sparked here.
Young Scholars Workshop programme that will be held during the 9th EAHL Conference in Warsaw is now available!
To read the program, please, click here.
Newsletter 01/2024
Due to some technical error our newsletter №1 of 2024 has been re-uploaded to our website. To read current version, please, click here: https://eahl.eu/sites/default/files/2024/01_Issue%202024.pdf
Early bird registration - Reminder
Do not miss the chance to register at the 9th EAHL conference!
Early bird registration closes at midnight on Friday 31st May 2024 CET.
For more details, please, visit official website of the conference at https://fundamentalrights.wpia.uw.edu.pl/
Jean Monnet EU4GH Summer School:
New Visions of the European Union’s Role in Global Health (EU4GH)
The summer school to be held at the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) on 3-7 June 2024.
To read final program, please, click here
There is NO tuition/registration fee!
For more information and expressions of interest , please, contact info@euglobalhealth.com
Poster/programme of the launch conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "New Visions of the European Union's Role in Global Health" (EU4GH)
To download the poster and program click here and here.
Deadline extension
The deadline for abstracts for the young researchers workshop and sponsorship applications has been extended until 30 April 2024.
Young Scholars Workshop on the first day of the EAHL Conference in Warsaw - 18 September 2024
To read more about Call for Abstracts and program, please, click here.
Sponsorship for PhD students for the upcoming EAHL conference
Click here to read more about the requirements.
EAHL is happy to announce writing school
To read more, please, click https://eahl.eu/sites/default/files/2024/EAHL Strategic Writing School.pdf.
Warsaw to host the 9th EAHL conference from 18 to 20 September of 2024
To visit the official website of the conference, please, click here: https://fundamentalrights.wpia.uw.edu.pl/
30.09.2023 update 01.12.2023
Conference on “Strategic Litigation and Public Health”
University of Liverpool together with some colleagues in EUPHA’s “Law and Public Health Section” (https://eupha.org/law-and-public-health), is organizing a conference on “Strategic Litigation and Public Health” in Liverpool, on 15-16th June 2023.
The conference takes place on site, some parts are also available online.
Register for Conference here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/conference-on-strategic-litigation-and-p…
Register for keynote here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/when-misfortune-becomes-injustice-ticket…
Please, click here to download information about the conference.
Photos from the seminar in Göttingen
Photos from the seminar for young scholars and PhD students on Current Challenges in Medical Law that took place on 3-4 May 2023 in Göttingen, Germany have been uploaded to the EAHL website and can be found here
Conference on Strategic Litigation and Public Health
The Law and Public Health Section of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA-LAW) and the Law & Non-Communicable Diseases (NDC) Research Unit at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with the above-listed organisers, are organising a hybrid conference that will explore how strategic litigation can contribute to the promotion of better health for all.
Organisers: Law and Public Health Section, European Public Health Association (EUPHA-LAW)
Law & Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit, University of Liverpool
O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown Law
Groningen Centre for Health Law, University of Groningen
Faculty of Public Health, UK
MCI Management Center Innsbruck
Dates: 15-16 June 2023
Venue: School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, Chatham Street, L69 7ZR
Liverpool, United Kingdom (in-person) and online
Call deadline: 15 April 2023
For more details, please, click here.
The venue of 2024 EAHL conference has just been decided!
The final decision of the board selected Warsaw to host the event, in spring 2024. The decision had been undertaken after careful examination of the received applications, in a blind review process.
Further details to follow