Dear members of the EAHL, we are happy to announce that EAHL is open for the sponsorship of health law-related activities.
Please, see the criteria for the sponsorship below:
- EAHL Members can apply for sponsorship for health law activities (e.g. seminars). The sponsorship will normally take the form of use of the EAHL logo and distribution about the event through EAHL channels (announcement in the newsletter and on the webpage).
- EAHL members can also apply for financial support to organize activities. Like the criteria for sponsorship, the activities must be health law-oriented and support the missions of EAHL and the activity should have a European perspective. If there is a fee for participants, EAHL members should normally have a discount.
- The application must provide a budget for the event and elaborate to which extent the contribution from EAHL is crucial for the funding. The maximum amount is 750 Euro. Financial support is only provided to activities that are non-profit. The decision to grant financial founding is taken by the board.
Information to members regarding the 8th EAHL Conference
EAHL will held its 8th conference in 2021 and is having an open call amongst its members to organize the event. The application deadline is decided by the board and the preliminary deadline is 1 December 2019.
The framework
An application shall be submitted by email to within the deadline. As with previous EAHL conferences, the conference is both an academic event and an opportunity for networking and discussion. This implies that the conference facility offers room for academic presentations in plenary and in parallel sessions, as well as for a number of workshops. There will also be an opportunity for a meeting of young health law researchers and space for a poster session.
The organiser offers the possibility for holding a General Assembly, for holding an Executive Board meeting as well as a meeting with the Advisory Board and the National Contact persons. The official language is English, but in principle there will be an opportunity for a session in French language as well.
There will be a local organising committee. This committee, together with the organiser responsible for the organisation of the conference, will work in close co-operation with at least 2 members of the EAHL Board designed for this purpose as contact persons.
The EAHL Board acting as a scientific committee is entrusted to work in close cooperation with the organiser in order to:
- Draw up a list of suitable subjects
- Select submitted abstracts and posters. If possible, not accepted abstracts may become posters.
- Select and invite keynote speakers (in principle 4).
The EAHL scientific committee resp. the contact persons, together with the local scientific committee and organiser will prepare the scientific aspects of the conference: including arranging the subthemes.
The organiser of the conference is responsible for the conference facilities and necessary equipment, internet, website of the conference, etc. The EAHL LOGO will be used for conference matters. Information on the conference will be put on the EAHL website.
The financial responsibility lays with the organisation of the conference and the event will not be subsidised by EAHL. Sponsorship is encouraged. Any surplus of the conference falls to the EAHL in accordance with the EAHL Statutes. Relevant financial details should be provided to the EAHL.
Active announcement of the conference will take place through the organiser, as well as through the EAHL channels. Registration fee will be set in common agreement between the Board of the EAHL and the organiser, differentiating between early and late registration fee and between EAHL members and non-members, possibility for site registration. The conference organiser is responsible for the registrations and for the collection of registration fees. The organiser puts the list of participants of the conference at the disposal of the EAHL.
The application
The application shall include the following items:
1. Proposed title and theme of the conference (including how it links with the core objectives of
the Association)
2. Host institution
3. Proposed date of the conference
4. Details of Organising Committee, composition
(including working arrangements)
5. Expected benefits for host institution
6. Expected benefits for EAHL
7. Details of conference facilities (including total capacity, number and range of venues, technical specifications for AV and translation)
8. Details of proposed programme format (including number of days, sessions + duration, total number of possible papers)
9. Suggestions for possible for keynote speakers
10. Details of scope for satellite events (e.g. – early career events, poster events, break-out
workshops, joint sessions between EAHL/EJHL)
11. Details of planning timetable (including deadlines for registration, abstracts, assistance to delegates)
The evaluation procedure
The EAHL board will evaluate the applications based on five criteria
a) relevance of conference topic for the promotion of health law research, teaching and practice throughout Europe
b) potential of conference topic to attract health lawyers from all over Europe
c) availability of (strong) cooperating partners at conference venue (e.g. to form a local organising team)
d) attractiveness/reachability/suitability of conference venue
e) experience from hosting similar events (both scientific and administrative)
Each board members will score applications based on a scale from 1 to 7 (where the latter is the highest), without knowledge of the scoring results of other board members. The total score should then be used for a discussion-platform for the final discussion. If board some board members have an affiliation with any of the applicants, they will not take part in the evaluation process.
Based on the scores, the board will have a discussion on the strength and weaknesses of the applications. The final decision will be taken based on the overall assessment and not necessarily as an automatic outcome of the scoring. The final decision will be made public, as well as the any dissenting opinions within the board. The candidates will be notified about the scoring on each criteria but not the individual scoring of each board member.
If you have a proposal or any questions, please, contact us at <eurohealthlaw@gmail.com>.